Preparation for Cambridge exams! - Komalingua - Servicios Lingüísticos

If you want to obtain your First or Advanced certificate, do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We offer courses of two and three hours per week to ensure that you’ll pass your Cambridge exam.
Contact us now by email: or call us at +34 945 17 00 57.

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Koma Vitoria +34 945 17 00 57
Sierra de Andía, 2 Ofic. 26D
01010 Vitoria (Araba)
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Koma Vitoria Landaberde +34 945 191 227
Landaberde 29
01010 Vitoria (Araba)
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Iturriotz 35, behea
20500 Arrasate (Gipuzkoa)
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Alcalde Felipe Uhagon, 12 bajo
48010 Bilbao (Bizkaia)
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Koma Pamplona +34 948 100 133
Iturrama 72
31008 Pamplona (Navarra)
3 Kings Pamplona
Koma 3Kings Pamplona +34 948 21 07 16
Plaza del Castillo 20, 2
31001 Pamplona, Navarra
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Koma Italia +39 0733 816
197 Corso Umberto I, 17
62012 Civitanova Marche (MC)